Building Trends that Keep Getting Hotter – Thankfully!

As a builder of custom, high-end homes for the last two decades, we’ve watched technology shape trends in design and make previously only-dreamed-of functionality a reality for homeowners. It’s been great seeing how mobile device technology, home automation and monitoring systems, and advances in building materials have enhanced convenience, safety, security, sustainability, and enjoyment for our clients. All while bringing a whole new world of sleek and sophisticated design options for interior and exterior living spaces! Some trends that early-adopters have embraced are becoming “must haves”. If you’re involved in a new construction or renovation project, ask your contractor or architect about incorporating these features:

  1. Smart home controls such as Nest, for precisely managing heat and air-conditioning use in the home, to simultaneously improve energy efficiency and comfort for occupants.

  2. Wireless electrical power that enables electrical fixtures and appliances to operate with no wires attached! WiTricity is a leader in this technology that works similar to wireless internet routers.

  3. Custom craftsmanship using modern materials (running the gamut from reclaimed wood flooring to metal accents) to give a home a contemporary look without feeling “cookie cutter” or “cold”.

  4. Integrated and expanded outdoor living spaces that blend seamlessly with the interior, for additional enjoyment of the property. This may include a separate pool house or specialty room.

Online tools such as Houzz provide a forum for collecting ideas and refining what will work best for your project. See more trends of 2016 and how they impact home buying and selling.